MTD works all over the world. Therefore it is essential to collaborate. Collaboration allows you to combine unique perspectives and network with various partners. An overview of our ever-expanding list of partners can be found here.
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The Association of Global Event Suppliers (AGES) is formed by leading events suppliers worldwide to promote temporary and semi-permanent infrastructures required to host international sports, culture and entertainment events. AGES develops suitable standards and procedures with governmental bodies and organisers to obtain sustainable, cost-effective infrastructure solutions for future events. AGES is the international label for the quality, safety and reliability of the growing industry of global event suppliers.
The not-for-profit organisation, co-founded in 2014 by MTD and based in Switzerland, represents market leaders and front runners in developing new products and services.

The concept for the Waterbank was inspired by other well-known and successful platforms where supply and demand are matched. The Waterbank is a platform that connects the supply and demand for residual water. Residual water includes all water flows that currently flow away but can be used for other purposes, such as rainwater, drinking water, surface water, groundwater, and process water. The platform maps out supply and demand to make connections in the immediate vicinity. By using the platform, parties can donate, get or store residual water for their own use at a later point.
By connecting supply and demand, the Waterbank offers alternatives to using drinking water and pumping groundwater and surface water. This ensures that more drinking water remains available, less groundwater needs to be pumped up, and less wastewater needs to be purified. Bringing the water balance back into balance.
The WaterBank’s mission is to connect the daily supply and demand of usable residual water by promoting the various sources. The WaterBank works with a Quality Mark, which guarantees and measures the sustainability aspect, the water quality, and the water quantity.
As one of the founders of De Waterbank, MTD will remain involved in this program after the startup phase, to help reach new partners and to support the circular water use goals.
The Infra Capacity Alliance is a long-term strategic collaboration platform between industry and public agencies to improve resilience. It offers public agencies and globally operating private enterprises the option of claiming up-to-date resources, instead of procuring, owning, maintaining, sustaining, updating, training, disposing, and replacing their own resources. The alliance guarantees availability delivered with a sense of urgency.
Adept at matchmaking, the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) is the first point of call for anyone seeking expertise on water management issues or contact with the Dutch water sector. NWP enables the Dutch water sector to have an even greater impact internationally. We organise trade missions, matchmaking and promote the Dutch water sector.
The Vereniging Van EvenementenMakers (VVEM, Association of Event Makers) was founded in 2001 as a trade organisation for professionals in the public events sector. The VVEM represents companies from different corners of the events sector. Together we stand for the interests of Event Makers.
Brabants Besten is a network of private SME entrepreneurs in the Dutch province of Noord-Brabant, who set a good example in the field of innovative employment. The thirty Brabants Besten, appointed each year, form the leading group of innovative entrepreneurs in Brabant.
One of MTD’s primary services is providing safe drinking water, and we want to share our expertise with locals in other countries to provide safe drinking water in developing countries.
The MTD Foundation works with partners to help developing countries access safe drinking water. In Malawi, MTD funded a water pump with Czar and the help of JointhePipe, providing the locals with safe drinking water. In Sri Lanka, MTD trained local plumbers so that they could take care of it themselves. And, we donated 60 million litres of water to the NGO Justdiggit. This water is used to re-green hectares of dryland in Kenya, turning it into a fertile land with trees and plant, which will capture 8000 TONs of CO2.Â
Justdiggit is on a mission to regreen Africa and cool down the planet, by bringing back nature through cost-effective nature-based solutions. Learn more about the great work they do on their website.